Valentine’s Day Gifts

February 10, 2015
Valentine’s Day Gifts

Weather you like it or not Valentine’s Day brings up feelings, good, bad or indifferent, those are all feelings. If you are not a fan of the big Vday (yeah, I shortened it) stop reading NOW! This entire post is about Valentines Day gifts for your special person. I’m not that big on Valentine’s Day but when you’re in a relationship you sometimes have to celebrate it more than once a year on your anniversary, so here I am giving you some tips.


1. NIFTY250 Instagram prints are one of my favourite gifts, for any occasion really, and they’re perfect for Vday. If you don’t want to create a romantic overload puke-fest for all your Instagram follows, take my advice and create another account. This also means you can keep it a secret from your person…. Thank me later.

Beard Oil

2. The Gentleman’s Beard Oil is a great gift for any of you ladies that love the way a beard looks on that super hot male model with the long hair, but somehow your boyfriends beard doesn’t really look like that. This is your solution, along with booking him an appointment at Scar Hair where they will trim and groom his beard beautifully! You’ll be saying “what bearded male model?”. You can buy the Gentleman’s Beard Oil at Hashtag Awesome for R130, cheap cheap!


The Entertainer

3. The Entertainer is a great gift for the both of you to share. It’s the gift that keeps giving for the whole year! You can either buy The Entertainer coupon book, or the mobile version, which is an app. It gives you over 900 buy one get one free offers on meals, hotel stays, spa vouchers, beauty and more (I sound like an infomercial). However you work out the bill at the end of the night (you pay/he pays/you both pay) it’s always about half of what you would usually spend. So really, you’re only paying R345-R395 once off to save money. The book has an array of restaurants, gold dining to night spots and family dining, so you really can’t go wrong. They are available for Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, London, Dubai, and some other international areas. It’s the ultimate gift that keeps on giving! Buy it here.

4. Make x amount of dates in a jar. You can have a fun DIY day where you think up some fun dates, some paid hints and some completely free, that you could do together. This jar is perfect for those days when you both want to do something but can’t think of what it should be. If you want to you could pop on over to The Pretty Blog and download the free printables they have for 28 Dates in a Jar, designed by Nooi (they create amazing designs, check them out!). They really have thought of some pretty cool dates, like playing a video game/wandering through a bookstore/watch YouTube videos, I mean I love all of those options. Thanks to The Pretty Blog and Nooi for making Valentines Day a bit easier to stomach.

Slow Drive Magazine

5. Slow Drive Magazine is a local and it’s lekker (nice). They have several contributors who send in breathtakingly beautiful pictures from all over the world. It is top quality, inspirational for any photographers/people who love to travel. Plus it’s the perfect coffee table book. One magazine goes for R150, and it’s well worth it, plus the staff are super friendly, isn’t that always the best.

I’d love to know if you used any of these ideas, if you do, comment below, I love hearing from you!

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Christi February 11, 2015 - 9:11 AM

I am definitely getting the beard oils and investigatin the other options!
Thank you!

Sean February 11, 2015 - 1:44 PM

Love all of these!!! #awesome #valentinesday #Leboyfriend #winning

Hello NIFTY250, lets be friends! - Taylor Made April 10, 2015 - 8:35 AM

[…] wrote about Nifty250 in my Valentines Day post and if you’re keen to print your pictures, go […]


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