How to clean your makeup brushes

September 29, 2015
How to clean your makeup brushes

This is something many people don’t even know they need to do.  Cleaning your makeup brushes is not fun or exciting but it’s definitely necessary!  I’ve used some high end brush cleansers and they are great but for the price I can’t justify buying a new bottle every 2 months or so.  Which is why I use something that can be found at any good old Pick’nPay, Checkers or even Woolworths (if you want to get a bit more fancy), its baby shampoo.

If it’s gentle enough for a baby’s head it’s gentle enough for your makeup brushes!  And I know many people do a little mix of olive oil, maybe some conditioner or even dish washing liquid but that sounds like more of a hassle to me so I stick with the simplest option.

If you’re new to makeup, don’t have a hefty bank balance or just plain old inquisitive watch the video to see how I get my makeup brushes looking as clean as the day I bought them!


What do you use to clean your makeup brushes?

Ps, if you liked this, or want to suggest a video that I should film please let me know!  You can tweet me, comment on my Instagram, send me a snap or comment on my video.


pps, I have some really cool videos and blog posts coming up in the next month and birthday giveaway at the end of October so look out for that!


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Chereen October 6, 2015 - 6:52 PM

Such a great video, and great tips! x

Le'Chelle October 7, 2015 - 9:01 AM

Thanks for always watching my videos and for your lovely feedback Chereen! 🙂


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