Guys, I’m not even going to say ‘happy new year’ because it’s basically the end of Jan so I think we can stop now! With that out of the way let’s address the fact that if I was going to the whole ‘NEW YEAR, NEW ME’ thing I’m about 20 days late but thank goodness this isn’t one of those ridiculously unrelatable posts. There isn’t a magical spell that comes over you on the morning of January first that makes you a different person that can suddenly resist chocolate, run 10km and be kinder to everyone. For me, this year is about making small choices that are in line with the goals I’ve set, rather than large unachievable resolutions.
Towards the end of 2018 Sean and I planned a few coffee dates or adventure days where we could talk about our goals for the upcoming year. We decided to split them into categories, to make sure that we’re making progress in all areas of life. The categories are: health, work, creative, financial & marriage. They’re all areas in our lives that we feel could use some intentionality. Last year I decided to chat about my goals in a video so if you want to see that click here. Now let’s get into my 2019 goals.
Create a balanced lifestyle – This is about finding a healthy balance in all areas of life be it screen time, healthy eating, exercise, self care and work life balance. I especially want to work on finding balance of eating healthy but still having the freedom to have a slice of cake, a pie (if you know, you know) or some chocolate WITHOUT GUILT.
Embrace and love my body through all seasons – If you follow me on Instagram or you read this post you’ll know that this is something I’ve been working on for almost a year and I want to continue that in 2019. It’s easy to love your body when you’re wearing a great outfit or after someone compliments you but I want to learn to love it even on the bad days.
Exercise consistently and find enjoyment in it – I think I’ve been working on this for the last two years but I’m determined to find a routine that sees results, that’s fun & that I can learn to love. So our new apartment has a gym downstairs & I’ve been doing 30 minutes of exercise 2-3 times a week, which is doable for our lifestyle at the moment. I’d love to build on that as my fitness level increases but for now I’m happy. Oh and we’re also doing Park Run (I walk) on Saturdays because it’s fun, I get some fresh air & it’s a great way to start the weekend.
Push harder and expect more – This one is quite vague and it came about because 2018 was a really crap year for me on the work front. I started out by going to America for the first three months of the year, which was incredible & by far the absolute highlight of my year. I saw my nephew being born and cuddled him every single day for about 2 months, plus I got to spend time with my sister. But coming back home was really hard, I think I was slightly depressed and I just couldn’t get back into work, and being home by myself everyday. So this year I’m determined to push harder and expect more from myself.
Reach 10k Instagram Followers – I think I’m most excited about this because I just hit 7k followers yesterday and it finally seems like this is actually possible. For me Instagram isn’t about the amount of followers, likes or eyeballs on Stories but rather it’s about the women that are impacted. I love the relationships I’ve created with so many wonderful women on Instagram and I want my little corner of the internet to be a space where like-minded strong women can come for some real chats and connect further than surface level.
Partner with local brands – I’ve already started working with some amazing local brands this year and I’m absolutely blown away by the quality and work ethic! I see this as a way of supporting local businesses by introducing you guys to them and showing what they have to offer. So I’d really like to continue and build on existing relationships with local brands. If there are any brands you think I should know about or if you’re a local brand and you’d like to work together, email me or comment below.
Consistently create real, beautiful, relatable content for all platforms – In the past I’ve really struggled to keep everything moving, growing and thriving at the same rate. So this year I want to find a good balance of uploading great content over all platforms. I always want my content to be unique, real, interesting and something I would interact with, read or watch.
Start something cool with Sean – We’ve been speaking about this for years, and you’ll recognize this from last years goals. but this year I’m determined to make this happen! We’re both super creative and want to feed our creativity into something we can own and grow together. More about this soon, but keep checking my Instagram for updates!!
Less screen time more outdoor time – With Apple’s new addition of Screen time results I think we all have some kind of variation of this goal. I just don’t want to miss the best parts of my life because my head is stuck in my phone, laptop or tv. Granted a fair amount of my job revolves around screen time but I need to learn to switch off and stop check.
Read one book a month – This is pretty simple and if I recall correctly, this was one of my goals for 2017. Recently I was gifted a hefty pile of books which I intend to make my way through this year. And to keep myself accountable I want to find a way of review the books I read. If you have any suggestions for this I’m all ears!
Debt free – This is pretty self explanatory!
Live within our means and live with less – This was a goal we had for 2018 and we even managed to downsize our apartment which I’m really proud about! Most people view downsizing in a negative light but for us it was a very practical thing. We could’ve afforded to stayed in our old apartment but this new space affords us the space to save for travel and live with less worry. We would just prefer a life filled with adventure instead of stuff so we made a change and we’re loving it so we want to continue this for 2019. I’ve had a few questions from you guys on the process of downsizing so if you want a blog post on it just let me know!
Christmas in America – We’d love to have a white Christmas with my sister in America, along with a trip to New York. This may seem simple to some of you but neither of us grew up with family money, we didn’t go on overseas trips during school holidays and don’t have any inheritance to cash in for a holiday. So this would mean actively saving and being smart with our money!
Be a team – With having to be independent at such a young age I’ve learnt to have this ‘do it on your own’ attitude which doesn’t really work in marriage. I really want every success in life to feel like it’s ours, like we did it together and we’re able to support each other in everything.
Love without comparison – I need to make the choice to love Sean every day, even if he didn’t wash the dishes or pick up his clothing. So I’m trying to encourage myself to love him as best I can without first looking at what he’s done to deserve it.
Costume: Akina Label Gigi One Piece (Mustard), Summah Co towels, belt bag and visor, Walk Moses Sandals (Toffee) & Zara Sunglasses.
I have some cool fashion and beauty content planned for this year! Hope you guys are excited!!
Ps, if you have any suggestions on posts you’d like to see leave me a comment below 🙂
1 comment
Hi I miss your vloggs on youtube