May 4, 2018

May Favourites - fitness, health, work, productivity

May Goals

It’s kind of surreal that this is my very first goals post for 2018 and we’re one month away from the middle of the year.  With my bullet journal May spread done I feel like I’m ready to take on this month and actually tick off all the items on my to-do list.  With majority of last month being a write-off of little creativity, jet lag and a generally bad attitude I’m determined to make this month a good one.  So here’s to a month of productivity, a positive attitude and celebrating love.


01.  One blog post per week, or more if possible.  My first love was this blog and I’m really looking to breathe fresh life into it. You may have noticed a few small change that I’ve made recently and the next change is to a constantly flow of content.  I’m keen to do some one products reviews, healthy recipes, style posts and maybe even book reviews.  How do you feel about book reviews?


02.  Workout 4 days a week.  It took me way longer than I’d care to admit, when I was deciding how many days I want to commit to.  Because I want this to be a long-term commitment, I don’t want to do something unattainable or just let myself coast.  So I’m committing to working out, whether it’s yoga at home, a class at the gym or run-walking in the green belt, four times a week.  As I’ve said in previous goals posts, I want to get to the stage where I enjoy fitness but that won’t happen if I keep flaking 2 weeks in.  So check in with me to make sure I’m doing it!  I give you permission.


03.  Change my eating habits.  I want to create a lifestyle where eating healthy is actually possible long-term, not just for the first week after I’ve done grocery shopping.  While I was in America I got in the habit of just eating quick & mostly unhealthy meals, but since I’ve been back I haven’t really been trying to correct that.  Starting from today, I’ll be doing a low carb intake (i.e, can still eat corn thins or complex carbs like sweet potato), cutting down on my sugar (with the goal of cutting it down completely) & I’ve already been doing no milk in my coffee but now focusing on non-dairy alternatives in all meals.  Ps. I’m still eating cheese – I love it too much to give it up!


04.  Show love without having to say it.  This last weekend my friend Kristan said she once read a tip from a wedding photographer saying that you should try to show your partner that you love them (with your body language & actions) without having to say it and that’s how you get the best pictures.  It got me thinking that so often we rely on our words conveying our love but that’s just not enough.  So this month I want to show the people around me that I love them, but just  with me actions.  Ps, it’s our one year anniversary at the end of this month!! YAY!!!


05.  Stop coasting.  Since we’re all being honest around here I’ve basically been coasting in all areas of my life, since the beginning of the year.  I’ve been doing the basics and not really caring about putting in more effort and really pushing myself, but that’s over!  I’ve been given talents and gifts to use, and yet, I’m wasting them and I refuse to do that anymore.  This applies to all areas of my life but more specifically to something church related.  Don’t all run for the hills at once!  Not many of you know that I sing for our worship team at church but for the last while I’ve stopped using this particular talent to it’s full ability.  I sang last night at practice and I’ve forgotten how great it feels to use my talents for good, and to allow Jesus to fill the gap when my insecurities creep in.  I’m determined not to let insecurities stop me from using my talents.



What do you have coming up in the next month?  And what’s one goal you have for this month?

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Mikela Van Dyk May 6, 2018 - 7:30 AM

I love reading your blogposts. This post especially reminded me that the things I’m putting off really aren’t that difficult, and that the moment you start putting pen to paper, it helps get your bearings. I am 25 weeks pregnant with our first, and need to start getting things in place like UIF, having an uncomfortable midwife talk with my gynae, kegels, and preparing for labour through prayer etc. I also secretly dream of starting a blog, but have no idea where to begin and it just seems so intimidating. But I have so much to share with the world and my product hoarding problem needs to start benefiting more than one person. I enjoy your content so much, and really feel inspired and motivated to start getting myself together, even if its just one step at a time. Thanks for putting yourself out there so honestly, God bless! X

Megan Dawson May 11, 2018 - 9:04 AM

Yes I’m in! I to want to create a long term healthy lifestyle for myself. My lack of follow through and self control are what I need to get in check.
We can do this and we will do this.
*Side note: I love your blog and Youtube account, you are so real and honest and relatable. xxx


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