The Reality of Social Media & Where I’m At With Everything

July 23, 2018
The Reality of Social Media & Where I’m At With Everything

I always seem to start these posts apologizing or making excuses for why I’ve been absent, well this is the overarching reason:  It’s all too much!  Keeping up with Youtube, blogs, Instagram, Instagram Stories, Twitter, Facebook and now IGTV, it’s just exhausting, to say the least.  And that’s not even talking about the time it takes to create meaningful, interesting content that encourages people to stop and look at it for all of 3 seconds before moving on.  This might sound like a moan-fest but in actual fact it’s me just expressing how I’ve felt for a good year or so.


Don’t get me wrong I’m not moaning about my life, and having the audience I do because honestly I love you guys but it’s me acknowledging that it’s becoming too much for me.  I always want to create beautiful, genuine, thought-provoking content weather it’s a product review or talking about body positivity.  But recently I’ve found that the overwhelming pressure (I’ve placed on myself) to be THE best is pushing me to do nothing rather than to do MY best!


Am I alone in this?  Do you guys also feel this way?


As much as more well known bloggers are striving to stay relevant and to be the profile you’re most likely to engage with I feel like I’m working to be noticed,  to be seen, by brands & people and in this I’ve lost sight of why I started.  After a year + of feeling this way it’s so refreshing to just come to terms with this and give myself the space to figure it out.  I’ve had about two months of irregular posts, not really engaging online and pretty much not caring and this is  the first time in a while that I feel like myself.


For those of you that have missed me, missed the posts and missed the unbridled honesty I’m happy to say that my head and heart are finally in a good space! I won’t be promising regular or even more posts but I will promise to be my unapologetic, genuine self.  So as I move into this new space, that’s very much unknown to me I hope you guys will come along on the bumpy ride.


Dealing social media as a blogger


A couple of new things happening in my life:

– I had a little bit of a trim… well actually I cut off A LOT and I love it!  it’s fresh, exciting and this length forces me to wear my hair down everyday, which I barely did with my long hair!  I went to the wonderful people over at The Cottage to get it cut and Chad did a great job!  If you want to see the process and inspiration images check out last weeks vlog.


– WE ARE MOVING!  I announced this in last weeks vlog and I’ve had so wonderfully supportive comments which makes this process that much better!  Most people hate moving and I would usually put myself in this category but I’ve been uncharacteristically positive!  We are downscaling MASSIVELY from a large four bedroom apartment to a one bedroom loft apartment.   I’d really like to do a post on why we decided to move and what the process is like, just in case it might be helpful to some of you.  Also, if you want to see the kind of apartments we’re looking at, watch this vlog.


– Slight job change, and by slight I mean complete!  I’ve been doing this blogging/YouTube thing full-time for a just over a year and I said I would give myself a year to explore it!  This year has taught me that I definitely need to be around people on a daily basis and I  need to be in a creative work environment.  So I’m currently looking for jobs in the Social Media/Creative industry, and for those of you that have had to do this, you know!  You know that it’s not fun!


– I can’t stop listening to  decluttering and minimalist podcasts!  While my sister was down from America we had a few conversations about minimalism and since deciding to move I knew this was the route we should take.  It seems like the best way to downscale our house and to curb future spending is to adjust our thinking.  So if you’re interested, these are the two podcasts that I’m listening to: The Minimalists is more about understanding minimalism and how to change your thinking on ‘stuff’ in your life and home where as A Slob Comes Clean is more personal and she chats about her story and how she started the decluttering process.



So that’s basically whats been going on in my life.  If you have anything you’d like to share or if you can empathize with what I’m going through, please leave me a comment down below.


And if you want to see whats happening in my life, more frequently, your best bet is to follow me on Instagram or subscribe (scroll down) to my newsletter to get notifications when there are new blog posts.


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Nati July 24, 2018 - 10:05 PM

I just discovered your blog and it’s absolutely stunning. I adore your style of writing and I really admire and respect how honest this post is. I’m also obsessed with minimalism-orientated podcasts at the moment! I’ve especially been listening to The Functioning Minimalist and taking on her advice – decluttering is one of the best feelings ever!

Sending you good vibes – you’re doing great.

Nati x | | @curatedbynati

Lauren Gleeson August 24, 2018 - 7:13 PM

LOVE IT! I’m feeling in the exact same boat in two aspects – 1. Social Media is a KILLER! I am trying to start my own blog and I am being totally bogged down my comparing it to everyone else’s which is inhibiting me from doing it completely. AND I find myself permanently stalking people instead of being proactive with my own life. 2. CLUTTER FREAKS ME OUT! I find that especially when I am as stressed as I am now, a clear working space is SO important. If my mind and my environment is cluttered I feel totally anxious. Time to listen to those podcasts and start clearing out! Thanks for the inspiration as always! Lah xx

A QUICK LIFE UPDATE | Taylor Made September 18, 2018 - 4:13 PM

[…] may know, if you’ve read my last post or if you’re keeping up with my videos that we recently moved into our new apartment.  Our […]


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