This is something I’ve always struggled with because most men say the same thing when it comes to gifts, “just get me anything” or a classic (read: aggravating) “I really don’t want anything”. Am I alone in this or is every man the same? I revert to the classics like fragrance, clothing, socks and underwear.
My struggle in finding a gift for any man in my life, be it the husband, father in-law or even friends so that got me thinking that I can’t be the only person in this predicament. I’ve put together a list of items that might help next time you’re struggling with this and I’ve split them into interests that men may have, so there’s something for everyone.
These are the easiest gifts to buy because they work for every man. Who doesn’t love a man that smells good? If already know what cologne he wears you could go for that or you could try something different and get a scent that you enjoy. Aramis are currently running a gift with purchase promotion which will get you all the brownie points, and make it look like you made more effort then you did. If you buy any 100ml Aramis Cologne along with any other Aramis product you’ll get a travel bag free. The promo ends on 15 September 2017.
You can buy any Aramis products on in-store (Edgars/Woolworths) or online (Woolworths/Red Square).
This could be for two types of men, either the guy who loves everything to do with fashion and definitely has more jeans than you do (Sean legit has triple the cupboard space that I do). Or this could be the perfect gift for the guy who’s wardrobe needs a little refresh. This could be a dual gift because you get to buy a few pieces that you enjoy but he wouldn’t necessarily buy for himself but if you get it he may atleast try it out.
All items can be found on Superbalist, Zando & Spree.
Let me tell you, I’m no expert in this area because I can’t quite understand why you’d want to stare at a screen for hours but they seem to enjoy it. If he’s into gaming it may take some research on your part to find out what his favourite game is and when the next release is. You could get something like FIFA18 or something as simple as a PopSocket or a new controller for his device. He’d probably be so happy that you took interest in his hobby.
All items found on Takealot.
If someone gave me gym gear I would probably lose my sh*t but if he’s into gyming, cycling, running or dropped hints that he wants to up his fitness you could help him along. Men are different in this regard – last year I bought Sean a FitBit & he was a ecstatic. If a FitBit is a little bit out of your price range you could always pick up a new pair of running shoes or those odd compression tights that men wear at the gym.
All items can be found on Superbalist, Zando & Spree.
If none of these categories work for him and he’s just not into material things you could have some fun experiences together. Something like a gallery visit, car show, sports match or even a weekend away and the best part is that you get to do all those things together. Sean & I recently went away for a couple of days, just the two of us, to chill, eat good food & just enjoy each other. Check out what we did in my latest vlog.
Somehow Sean manages to fit into every single category I’ve listed so I like to do a little care package with all his favourite things.
Let me know if this helps you or if you use any of these ideas in the future.
*This post is sponsored by Aramis.