BBLOGCLASS with Shades of Gold & Fancy Pants

May 20, 2014

About 3 weeks ago I posted about the blog class I signed up for with Talya Goldberg and Amy Scheepers, well I attended the class about a week ago.  All I can say is WOW! These ladies were a fountain of useful information.  They were both so friendly and willing to answer any questions.  You know how you expect that there would be some degree of competitiveness because we are all pretty much in the same ‘field’, well surprisingly there’s not.  And believe me this was so refreshing.

Lets start at the beginning, a very good place to start (The Sound of Music quote, if you didn’t get it that’s okay, not many people do), I went into this not knowing anyone and simply far to keen to meet two of my favourite bloggers and to soak up any info they were willing to give.  I guess all of us (bloggers) went into the class/Vida E feeling this way.

One of the many things I loved about the class was that we were all able to meet at least 19 other bloggers, so we are able to support each other and basically cheer each other on.  I think that’s the best.  There was no “YOU CANT SIT WITH US” attitude.

I found the class to be comfortable and informal, which helped to ease into it, also the many cappuccino’s brought everyone together, as coffee in the early morning tends to do. Talya & Amy did a great job at teaching what they know, they gave clear and helpful tips & tricks to blogging.  And I can say they answered all of my questions.

Last but not least the goodie bag, well HELLO! It was amaze, Mr Price sponsored the sweet tote bags, jewellery, make-up and a R100 voucher!! Vida E sponsored one of their awesome take away mugs and some coffee capsules as well as a R200 voucher – “Hello Vida, you can be my new best friend”.  We also got a R50 voucher to Rubybox and some of their products and an issue of ELLE.  The value of the goodies bags were well over the price of the ticket, what a win!

If this sounds like something you would like to attend, I’ll post details here about when their next class will be. And you can follow them on Twitter: BBLOG



Also got to meet another of my favourite bloggers, the lovely Raya from The Visual Journal







Nifty 250 prints





Thanks so much Talya & Amy for all the late nights, the time and the effort you put into making this class such a success! Would recommend this class to anyone that’s interested in blogging!




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tamikolbe6 May 29, 2014 - 11:52 AM

So awesome shells 🙂 I need to go to the next class if they are having one 🙂

TO DO: June | June 1, 2014 - 9:48 PM

[…] Change this to a self hosting blog on and apply everything learnt at the BBLOGCLASS. […]


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