In the effort of complete transparency and honesty, because that’s what this post is about each month – I’ve had such a crap month! I’ve been feeling down and completely unmotivated for the better part of November, which really isn’t normal for me. I usually able to talk myself out of these things but this month has just been tough. Funnily enough, it’s also been filled with so many highs!
I’m very happy to say that I’m out of the funk and am back to being my normal self. So lets keep things positive shall we? Let’s chat about the highlights – this month I got my visa, did a really cool Black Friday campaign with one of my favorite brands, had a really great breakthrough conversation with Sean & I’ve realized how blessed I am with the friendships I have. Can you tell I’m out of the slump and fully embracing the thanksgiving vibes?
Baring in mind what I’ve just said about the crap month, I’m genuinely surprised at how many of my November goals are ticked off! I finally started my bullet journal & loving it, as you guys know I worked with MRP Home to update our bedroom which is now my favourite room in the house, something cool has just happened which will allow me to save a good amount for America & lastly, I think I’ve done an okay job doing my devotionals. Full disclosure, I definitely haven’t done one everyday but I’m getting there – slowly!
1. Spend as much time with Sean as possible. This might seem a bit odd if you’re new here, so let me bring you up to speed. I’m going to America (first overseas trip) to visit my sister & brother in-law because they’re having a baby so I’m going there for just over two months to help them out and to meet my nephew. While this is really exciting it also means I’ll be away from Sean for over two months! So I really want to soak up every moment with him.
2. Make time for a hobby. Since this (YouTube & blogging) has become my full-time job I need to do something creative that doesn’t involve a screen. If you’ve watched my latest vlog you’ll know that I took up embroidery & I’m really enjoying it. The only thing is that I don’t make enough time for it. So this month I want to practice it for atleast 30 minutes a day.
3. Attempt Vlogmas. You all know I did Vlogtober as a little test and I’m really happy that I was able to do it, so now it’s time to stretch myself one more time and attempt Vlogmas. I know that traditionally vlogmas is a new video everyday leading up to Christmas but my life really isn’t interesting enough for that, I promise, I’m sparing you! So I’ll be doing four videos a week and my upload days will be Monday , Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. There will be loads of Christmas content, vlogs, and Christmas parties. I’ve got an update on this, so check out this video for more details.
4. Try something new. I briefly mentioned this earlier but I’ve been offered a really cool opportunity and I’m actually so excited about it! It will mean more work, but atleast it’s something creative. It’s something I already know how to do really well, so I’m pretty confident in my abilities it’s just the prospect of something new that’s a little bit scary!
5. Spread some Christmas spirit. I love Christmas but I know it can also be a really sad time of the year for so many people & I’d really like to, it sounds super cliche but, spread a little joy! I haven’t figured out what this look like just yet but I know that I’m extremely privileged, and often I take that for granted. So this month I really want to make a concentrated effort to think of others and a way to bless them.
So ya, that’s it for me! Do you have any goals that you’d like to share? I love hearing from you guys and doing this together 🙂
Your post really gives me hope. I’m trying so hard to get out of a slump that I’m in, so your post is motivation.
I hope you’ll enjoy America tons!
Your tattoo is literally goals! Good luck with your goals this month!